CSC614: Multimedia Systems 6 credits (40-10-10)


To provide an introduction to hardware and software requirements for developing and running multimedia applications.


Introduction to Multimedia including historical developments; basic multimedia concepts; current state-of-the-art; Overview of Multimedia Application domains such as education; medical; entertainment; marketing; types of multimedia applications including Hypermedia; authoring and courseware development; Conferencing; distribution via world wide web, say; System Implications for multimedia products covering media type and file formats, hardware; device; Operating systems support for real-time data; video servers; data compression and transportation; and network implications; Multimedia product design principles and approaches (e.g. timelining, storyboards, navigation maps etc.) and user interaction design (including theories of auditory and visual perception); Multimedia Content including text; sound; graphics; animation; and video; software environments and programming tools; authoring systems; Object-oriented frameworks; program libraries.