Duration: 3-5 years

Fee Paying: No

Admission Requirements

Candidates who hold a good Master’s degree in the appropriate biological or chemical science discipline shall be eligible for enrolment into the Ph.D. programme in Biochemistry. The Department reserves the right to conduct a selection test and interview when deemed necessary. Depending on the candidate's background and desired speciality the Programme may prescribe remedial M.Sc courses not exceeding a total of 12 credits at the time of first registration of the candidate.


The Doctor of Philosophy programme aims at producing graduates who are capable of initiating and conducting innovative research. A major objective of the programme is to develop critical thinking; another is to provide the young researcher with appropriate theoretical and practical training in observation, experimental design and evaluation of scientific literature. The successful candidate is expected at the end of the programme to have carried out research that significantly contributes to the advancement of knowledge. The Ph.D. programme shall normally last for 3 years, one of which shall be devoted to course work and the remaining years to research. With the permission of Senate the programme can be extended to a maximum of 7 years.

Graduation Requirements

To obtain the Ph.D. in Biochemistry the candidate shall fulfil the conditions below:

  • He/she shall undertake and pass in60 credits of course work during the first year for full-time students and at most for 2 years for part-time students.
  • Depending upon the candidate’s background and desired specialty, the Department may prescribe remedial undergraduate and M.Sc. courses not exceeding24 credits. Exemption may be obtained from all or part of the Ph.D. course work under the following conditions:
  • if the candidate holds a “Doctorat de Troisième cycle” on M.Phil in Biochemistry:
    • if the candidate has successfully completed similar course work at the Post-MSc level in a recognized university;
    • if the candidate can pass the final examination of the prescribed course(s) and the PhD comprehensive examination.
  • The PhD candidate shall conduct original research, write and successfully defend a doctoral dissertation under conditions fixed by Senate.
  • The PhD candidate shall satisfy any other requirements of post-graduate studies as may be duly approved for the Faculty of Science.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates can be employed in food industries, the health sector, agriculture and animal production, research, teaching, biotechnology and related industries; they can also go into management, marketing (as sales representatives of chemical and pharmaceutical industries). The graduate will also be endowed with the capacity for self-employment and continued self-education.
