1. All students who are duly registered for courses in a given semester are eligible to sit for examinations in those courses except students in the following categories:
    1. A student who absents himself from the University for upwards of six weeks without official permission
    2. A student who fails to attend up to 70% of any tutorials or practical in a course
  2. Students must acquaint themselves with the instructions governing examinations
  3. Students must be punctual for their papers. Students arriving later than half an hour after the examination has started shall not be admitted into the examination hall
  4. Students must bring with them to the examination hall their own ink, pen, ruler, eraser and pencil and any materials which may be permitted by regulations. Students are warned that if not otherwise indicated, lecture notes, cellular phones, textbooks, jotters, bags, calculators etc are not allowed in the examination hall
  5. To ensure order in the examination hall, seats will be arranged according to the number of groups taking examinations at each particular time and candidates are not expected in the hall earlier than 10 minutes to the commencement of each examination. They are also advised to keep strictly to the sitting arrangements to avoid confusion. Chairs arranged in examination halls should not, under any circumstances, be removed by any student
  6. Once inside the examination hall, communication between students is strictly forbidden
  7. Silence must be observed in the examination hall. The only permissible way to attract the attention of the invigilator is by raising a hand
  8. Smoking in the examination hall is strictly forbidden
  9. The use of scrap paper is not permitted. All rough work must be done in the answer books, crossed neatly through and submitted along with the answer booklet
  10. Students must use their registration number for each examination
  11. Before handing in their scripts at the end of the examination, students must satisfy themselves that they have inserted in the appropriate places, their registration numbers and the numbers of the questions answered
  12. It is forbidden to make distinctive marks of any kind on the answer booklets. Only blue or black ink is allowed for writing on examination answer booklets
  13. Students must not leave the examination hall during the first 30minutes and the last 50 minutes of any examination
  14. Students must remain seated until invigilators have completed collection of answer booklets
  15. Students are required to sign against, their registration numbers on the attendance sheet