Bachelors Degrees

Performance in course for the Bachelors Degree is recorded as follows:

Bachelors degrees are classified as follows:

  • First Class Honors
  • Second Class (Upper Division) Honors
  • Second Class (Lower Division) Honors
  • Third Class Honors
  • Pass

The class of degree awarded is based on the final cumulative Grade Point Average as follows:

First Class Honors 3.60 - 4.00
Second Class (Upper Division) Honors 3.00 - 3.59
Second Class (Lower Division) Honors 2.50 - 2.99
Third Class Honors 2.25 - 2.49
Pass 2.00 - 2.24


Masters Degrees

The Masters degree is awarded to candidates who have earned 120 credits including those resulting from research work which is defended before a panel. The candidate must have a GPA of at least 2.00.

Performance in course for the Masters Degree is recorded as follows:

To earn credit for a course at the Master’s Degree level, the student must score at least a C grade. The panel for the defence of the Master’s thesis is composed of at least three persons chosen amongst academic staff in the ranks of lecturers, Associate or Full Professors, designated by the Vice-chancellor on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty after consultation with the Head of Department and the Post-graduate Coordinator.

Doctoral Degrees

The degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall be conferred upon the successful completion of the approved programme of study which shall include the successful defence of thesis written by the candidate.

The first year of the Doctorate programme shall be devoted to course work and acquisition of research techniques. A student shall be considered as having successfully completed the first year after the obtention of 60 credits; such a student would then be eligible to take the Comprehensive Examination.

After the successful completion of two to four semesters of course work based and on passing the Comprehensive Examination, a candidate may be issued an
attestation to that effect.

After successfully completing the Comprehensive Examination the candidate is expected to deposit the research proposal at the department. On the recommendation of the Department, the Dean of the Faculty shall appoint supervisor/supervisors to guide the candidate’s research. The duties of these supervisors may be assigned to academic staff of the following grades:

  • Professors
  • Associate Professors
  • Lecturers with terminal qualification (PhD, “Doctorat” or equivalent)

The thesis submitted for a defence shall constitute an original contribution to knowledge and shall be defended before a duly appointed panel. Such a panel shall comprise a chairperson, an external examiner, an internal examiner and the supervisor.

Performance in course for the Doctor of Philosophy degree programmed is recorded as follows: