ZOO618: Neurophysiology and ControlPHYsiology 6 credits (40-10-10)


To study the physiology of the nervous and sensory systems in humans mainly. To show their importance for the regulation of the functioning of the other systems of our organism. To emphasize on the importance of those for the environment adaptation.


Nervous system: General organisation of Nervous system. General concepts of: receptors, sensation and Synapse. Reflexes and their use. Ascending and descending tracts. Functions of spinal chord, Cerebellum, medulla oblongata, Hypothalamus, Cerebral Cortex, Thalamus, Cerebro-spinal Fluid. Peripheral nervous system. Somatic nervous system. Autonomic nervous System. Autonomic control of main internal systems.

Special Senses: Fundamental knowledge of vision, hearing, taste, touch & smell (anatomy, pathway, refractory, retina, functions of middle ear and internal ear). Skin receptors. Reaction of the body to external stimuli.