ENV616: Integrated Environmental Assessments and Reporting 6 credits (40-10-10)


To identify the forces that have driven the environment to its present state and the indicators used to identify these forces.


Introduction to environmental assessment; models of the state of the environment in the future based on scenario modelling approaches.State of the environment; Background of environmental assessment activities in Africa; Mandate of the United Nations Environmental Programme; Driving forces-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework; The legal mandate and involvement in the assessment process; Preparing for an assessment and reporting process; Assessing the state of the environment: case studies; Data types, indicators, sources and indices; Key internet sources on indicators; The assessment process in Cameroon; Linking IEA to policy; Impact of policy on issues; Current policy analysis on Cameroon and the Central African region; Assessing the future; Scenario development and modelling; Driving forces influencing scenarios in Cameroon and in Africa.