ENV607: Environmental Resources, Economics and Management 6 credits (40-10-10)


To introduce the concept, models of sustainable extraction, equitable use of natural .resources and the environment to enhance sustainable development. To survey a large range of economic issues relating to natural resource and environmental policy.


An introduction to economic theories of resorces scarcity,sustainability, natural productivity ; the consumer; the firm; supply and demand of natural environmental goods and services, criteria for economic efficiency; Environmental economic efficiency; Environmental benefits of resources conservation, and auditing; The concept of Enviromental Taxation, the Economics of natural resource extraction and depletion; Economic evaluation methods; Environmental auditing and accounting; Introduction to Econometrics ( Econometrics problem,Dummy and Proxy variables, Multicolinearity, autocrrellation, Time series analysis, error correction and modelling, real-number systems, concept of set, function and types of functions), Modelling, introduction to Quantitative methods,Introduction to the Macr-economic threories. Poverty and natural resources.