ENV604: Environmental Management Concepts, Tools and Techniques 6 credits (40-5-15)


To provide a mastery of the relevant tools techniques that are used in Natural Resources and Environmental Management/Environmental extension


Develop skills in the design and implementation of both practical and theoretical data collection techniques in the areas of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA); Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA); Participatory Impact Monitoring (PIM); Concept of Project Circle Management (PCM); Soils and Air sampling Techniques, Land Scape Surveying and mapping: Wildlife and Plants Eclogical studies; Design and implementation of conservation and monitoring programme for endangered species, Rapid assessment techniques,Guidelines for socio-economic, Cultural and Athroplogical data collection; Marine and potable water quality assessment and monitoring techniques; Development of Long-term monitoring of terestial and marine community health and productivity.