ENV409: Environmental Education 6 credits (40-10-10)


To identify environmental problems and issues as well as possible solutions to these and analyse educational initiatives to improve environmental behaviour.


National and global environmental priorities and how these can be disseminated in order to create awareness and alter attitudes towards the misuse and uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources most of which are non-renewable; A critical examination of the values, attitudes and behaviours that affect human-environment interrelationships; specific examples on environmental problems in Cameroon related to the preservation of the various ecosystems: marine, fresh water, the forest, grasslands, highlands, and the sahel; comparisons with similar problems in other parts of the world; An introduction to integrated environmental assessment and reporting; preparing state of environment reports; framework and indicators for assessing human vulnerability; assessing the future based on futuristic environmental policy studies; scenario development and driving forces influencing scenarios in Cameroon and Africa; the state of the environment in the past, today and in future; human vulnerability to environmental change; mitigation and adaptation strategies to environmental changes.