ELT204: Analogue Electronics and basic circuit analysis 6 credits (40-8-12)


To provide a thorough treatment of the fundamental behaviour of analogue circuits and to provide analysis of standard circuit configurations including feedback circuits. Give an overview of the basic laws and theorems in linear circuit analysis.


Basic linear circuit analysis: Basic definitions, Sources and loads, Power transfer to a load, Resistors in parallel and series, Current and voltage laws, Equivalent circuits, Bridge circuits, Linearity and superposition, Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, dependent sources, Nodal analysis, mesh analysis, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, maximum power transfer; Introduction to Analogue circuits: Hybrid-pi model of the bipolar transistor with parameters r, g and h, Calculation of gain, input and output impedances of bipolar transistor amplifiers using the hybrid-pi model, Transistor amplifier configurations design and analysis for common emitter, common collector and common base, Miller effect, high frequency and low frequency amplifier response, FET amplifiers: Design and analysis of common source amplifiers; Negative feedback concept, Multistage amplifiers: gain increase and bandwidth reduction; Tuned amplifiers; Operational amplifiers: basic specifications, negative feedback, offset voltage; Op-amp circuits - differentiators, integrators, etc, Input and output impedances of op-amp circuits, Power amplifiers: Classes A, B and A; Oscillators: RC, LC and Crystal.