CSC720: Intelligent Human-Computer Interfaces 6 credits (40-10-10)


To expose the student to the development of intelligent human-computer software interfaces with emphasis on issues in design and evaluation of multimodal intelligent interfaces.


Introductory notions in speech recognition, human-computer interactions, graphical interfaces, image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, experimental psychology, and relevant statistical background; Introduction to natural language processing (NLP); Natural Language Interfaces; Plan recognition, models of discourse, natural language generation, computational linguistics, linguistic applications of NLP; ; Agents (personal digital assistants) and multi-agent systems; AI approaches to data mining and information retrieval applications; Case-based reasoning and knowledge-based systems; Intelligent tutoring systems. Interface architectures, user modelling and usability issues; Software for natural language systems and multimodal interactions: design, implementation, and evaluation issues; Examples of intelligent interfaces including relevant hardware considerations; Overview of current research topics and technologies and future directions.