CSC214: Internet Technology and Web Design 6 credits (40-10-10)


The course introduces the student to Internet technology concepts, and the principles and tools that can be used to develop Internet applications. The course will provide an overview of Internet technology and will introduce you to Internet protocols, HTML,XML, and client-side processing with JavaScript. HTML 5, Cascading Style Sheets, and JavaScript will be taught in a bottom-up perspective whereby students are able to program, in these languages, without the aid of web-development software. Server side processing with PHP will also be taught.


Internet applications and protocols: Email, HTTP, FTP, DNS, etc. Web design: HTML: From HTML to XHTML to HTML5. Basic HTML: including paragraphs, headings, formatting, linking, images, special characters and horizontal rules, lists, tables, forms, linking, meta elements; HTML 5 features; HTML media elements. Demonstration of the use of WYSIWYG HTML editors. Overview of web servers, including Apache. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): separation of content and presentation, styles and style sheets, positioning elements, backgrounds, element dimensions, innovative use of style sheets. XML: The relationship between SGML, HTML and XML. Document Type Definitions and XML. Client-side programming: JavaScript: Variables, Operators, Control Statements, Loops, Arrays, Functions. Document Object Model (DOM). Objects – String, Document, Form and Form validation, Window. Dynamic HTML (events and event handlers). PHP scripting. Mention of content management systems (e.g., Joomla, Drupal).