- Akoachere Richard Ayuk, PhD (Bloemfontein, South Africa)
Associate Professor, Hydrogeology - Agyingi Christopher Mbaringong, PhD (University of Ibadan, Nigeria)
Associate Professor, Petroleum Geology/Sedimentology and Environmental Management - Djieto Lordon Anatole Eugene, PhD (Arzebaijan, Arzebaijan)
Lecturer, Petroleum Geophysics - Tiabou Feudjio Anicet, PhD (University of Yaounde I)
Lecturer, Volcanology /Geochemistry - Mboudou Germain Marie Monesperance, PhD (Berlin, Germany)
Lecturer, Economic Geology/Geochemistry - Ndema Mbongue Jean-Lavenir, PhD (University of Yaounde I)
Lecturer, Petrology and Structural Geology - Ngomba Regina Wotany, PhD (University of Buea)
Lecturer, Hydrogeology - Mary Ewokolo Molua Etutu, PhD (University of Buea)
Assistant Lecturer, Economic Geology/Remote Sensing - Igor Mbowou Fulbert Ngantche, PhD (University of Douala)
Assistant Lecturer, Petrology/Applied Geology - Ngong Roger Ngia, PhD (Yangtze University, Hubei, China)
Assistant Lecturer, Petroleum Engineering - Bokando Ekoko, PhD (University of Yaounde I)
Assistant Lecturer, NULL - Fuanya Christopher, PhD (Pan African University of Life and Earth Science, Nigeria)
Assistant Lecturer, NULL - Sigue Cyrine, PhD (University of Yaounde I)
Assistant Lecturer, Petrology/Structural Geology - N'nanga Alexandrine, PhD (University of Yaounde I)
Assistant Lecturer