WEM606: GIS and Modelling in Wetlands Conservation 6 credits (40-10-10)


To provide knowledge on spatial wetland analysis and aesthetics, and importance of GIS and ecological modelling in wetland conservation and management.


Qualitative landscape description, spatial patterns, landscape metrics, human landscape perception, simulating spatial distribution of selected plant and animal species in wetlands, applying distribution models in nature and landscape management, dealing with risks and scenarios, modern river management: flood protection and river restoration using GIS, wetlands habitat inventories, GIS-assisted search strategies with landscape ecological data.Knowledge to explain and apply Knowledge to explain and apply the concepts and methods of landscape and wetlands analysis, the causes and effects of landuse change, applications of GIS in sustainable landscape management.Knowledge to explain and apply the concepts and methods of landscape and wetlands analysis, the causes and effects of landuse change, applications of GIS in sustainable landscape management.

the concepts and methods of landscape and wetlands analysis, the causes and effects of landuse change, applications of GIS in sustainable landscape management.Knowledge to explain and apply the concepts and methods of landscape and wetlands analysis, the causes and effects of landuse change, applications of GIS in sustainable landscape management.