GLY315: Volcanology and Igneous Geology 6 credits (10-30-12)


The course aims at introducing students to fundamental aspects of physical and chemical volcanology as well as examining the origin, diversity and geological significance of igneous rock suites.


The physical properties of lavas, the geomorphology of volcanic landforms, the dynamic and monitoring of volcanic eruptions and the emplacement of volcanic deposits. Volcanism along the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL); planetary volcanism, volcanic hazards assessment, and the effects of eruptions on the climate. Classification, genesis and association of igneous rocks. Study of selected classical igneous suites. Detailed analysis of the genesis of igneous rocks. Classification and interpretation of textures of igneous rocks. Megascopic and microscopic study of igneous rock suites from classical localities. An overview of igneous activity in Cameroon. Modern chemical techniques of studying and classifying igneous.