ENV609: Global Commons, Natural Disaster and Environmental Risk Management 6 credits (40-10-10)


To examine the ways in which global changes pose challenges for environmental science, the responses through International Environmental Law, and approaches of education for a sustainable future


On managing commons; International environmental law and soft law in action; Common heritage and global ethics; Regime theory and sustainability; The UN commission on sustainable development; Education for a sustainable future and impediments to education for sustainability; The concepts of safety and risk management; Communication and the role of experts in risk management; Natural hazards and disasters; the major natural disasters of the world; tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, mass movements and desertification; Areas and populations most prone to natural hazards; monitoring and predicting risks from natural disasters; structures for managing and mitigating disasters; Case studies of major disasters and lessons to be learnt; Future perspectives of disaster management and drawbacks.