The Faculty of Science runs programs that lead to the award of bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctorate degrees.

Bachelors Degrees

The duration for a programme of study for the Bachelor’s degree is 6 semesters for our single major programmes and 8 semesters for our double major programmes. The minimum number of course credits required for the award of a Bachelor’s Degree is 180 for a six semester degree programme or 240 credits for an eight semester degree program, in addition to general university requirements. To graduate, the student must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 on a scale of 4.0.

Details of evaluation of our bachelor's degree courses can be found here.

Students are expected to be in academic good standing for the duration of their studies at the Faculty of Science.

The required number of credits to qualify for the major in a discipline is at least 120 in a single honours degree programme, and 130 credits in both disciplines in a double major degree programme.

The classification of bachelor's degrees can be found here.

The required number of credits to qualify for a minor in a discipline shall be at least 36 and at most 48.

Masters Degrees

The Master’s Degree programme is a postgraduate programme designed for specialization in a particular domain. The duration of the Master’s Degree is 4 semesters and cannot exceed 6 semesters.

To be admitted into the Masters Degree, candidates must have at least a Bachelors Degree with Second Class Honors or any other equivalent diploma. The Masters Degree will be awarded after successful completion of course work and research work.

The Masters Degree is awarded to candidates who have earned 120 credits including those resulting from research work which is defended before a panel. The candidate must earn a GPA of at least 2.00 on a scale of 4. The panel for the defence of the Master’s thesis shall be composed of at least three persons chosen amongst academic staff in the ranks of lecturers, Associate or Full Professors, designated by the Vice-chancellor on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty after consultation with the Head of Department and the Post-graduate Coordinator.

Details of evaluation of our master's degree courses can be found here.

Doctorate Degrees

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme is selective and open to holders of a Master’s degree or an equivalent qualification.

The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred upon the successful completion of the approved programme of study which shall include the successful defence of a thesis written by the candidate.

The duration of studies for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree is 3 years and a maximum of 5 years. This period may be extended by one or two years (2 to 4 semesters) by Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Board.

Details of evaluation of our doctorate courses can be found here.

The first year of the doctorate programme is devoted to course work and acquisition of research techniques. A student is considered as having successfully completed the first year after the obtention of 60 credits; such a student would then be eligible to take the Comprehensive Examination.

After the successful completion of two to four semesters of course work and on passing the comprehensive examination, a candidate may be issued an attestation to that effect.

After successfully completing the Comprehensive Examination the candidate shall be expected to deposit the research proposal at the department. On the recommendation of the Department, the Dean of the Faculty shall appoint supervisor/supervisors to guide the candidate’s research. The duties of these supervisors may be assigned to academic staff of the following grades:

  • Professors
  • Associate Professors
  • Lecturers with terminal qualification (PhD, “Doctorat” or equivalent)

The thesis submitted for a defence shall constitute an original contribution to knowledge and shall be defended before a duly appointed panel. Such a panel shall comprise a chairperson, an external examiner, an internal examiner and the supervisor.

All Our Programmes

Programmes in the Department of Animal Biology

Programmes in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Programmes in the Department of Chemistry

Programmes in the Department of Computer Science

Programmes in the Department of Environmental Science

Programmes in the Department of Geology

Programmes in the Department of Mathematics

Programmes in the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology

Programmes in the Department of Physics

Programmes in the Department of Plant Science

Undergraduate Programmes

  1. BSc in Botany

Minor Programmes

  1. Minor in Botany
  2. Minor in Horticulture (Professional)

Postgraduate Programmes

  1. MSc in Botany
  2. MSC in Crop Protection (Plant Science)
  3. MSc in Wetlands Ecology and Management (Professional)
  4. PhD in Botany